Unlock the full potential of your beneficiaries
supports Acceleration programs on
Employablity or Entrepreneurship
to become
more effective with impact
How can your acceleration program unlock the
full potential of your beneficiaries?
What makes your capacity building tools effective?
What makes your activities actually beneficial?
helps you in your mission to empower talented individuals
or entrepreneurial ventures to succeed in their goals
Our service packages
Pre- Acceleration or
Post-Acceleration on
Pre- Acceleration
Post-Acceleration on Entrepreneurship
Your challenges
An acceleration program is faced with significant challenges:
1. Designing an impactful training program
2. Offering effective guidance through mentors or inhouse consultants
3. Responding to the beneficiaries expectations and keeping them engaged
4. Demonstrating impact in order to attracting sponsors
These challenges require effective solutions
Our perspective
​An acceleration program is purpose-driven.
It is designed to support the program participants in achieving their specific purpose, whether in employment or in entrepreneurship.
In that purpose-driven path, the acceleration program is expected to offer the maximum benefit to the participants (beneficiaries).
But, is it the participants that benefit or their purpose that matters mostly?
How can they be combined?
​We believe that acceleration programs can be beneficial if they start and finish with PEOPLE (their beneficiaries).
Beneficiaries have to define their purpose clearly, have to measure their potential, have to make decision. It all starts with PEOPLE.
Our perspective
An acceleration program is purpose-driven. It is designed to support the program participants in achieving their specific purpose, whether in employment or in entrepreneurship.
In that purpose-driven path, the acceleration program is expected to offer the maximum benefit to the participants (beneficiaries)
But, is it the participants benefit or their purpose that matters mostly? How can they be combined?
We believe that acceleration programs can be beneficial if they start with people (their beneficiaries). Beneficiaries have to define their purpose clearly, have to measure their potential, have to make decision. It all starts with people Empowering and Engaging People
Our Solutions
Our Service Packages are targeting these challenges, by empowering your People and getting them engaged.
We have designed and successfully implemented acceleration programs both for employability and for entrepreneurship​ and we know what it needs to achieve maximum impact.
We have a simple method to boost the effectiveness of an acceleration program. And that is because we know how to guide people in defining their purpose and empower them in fulfilling it.
We offer services enriching your acceleration program as such, or with preliminary or ex post support supplementary programs on employability and entrepreneurship, enhancing your impact.
And we are always at your disposal to help you design your own program.